Published on September 16, 2024

Holzer General Surgeon Shares His Insights on Hernias

Hernias cause an array of problems for individuals worldwide. While the effects differ per individual, it is something to keep an eye on. David Blevins, MD, FACS, General Surgery, Holzer Health System, has an abundance of experience when it comes to hernia issues.

Dr. Blevins

Dr. Blevins provides context regarding hernias, saying, “A hernia is a defect or opening in a muscle layer. An early sign of a hernia is bulges. In certain cases, patients have hernias that are not causing any symptoms or pain. In other cases, patients have bulges that are painful; these issues need to be looked at, or else the pain will continue and likely increase until the issue is fixed. Hernias can become emergencies if you do not fix them.”

What causes hernias? Dr. Blevins responds, “Frankly, it is often due to bad luck. There are natural weak spots that break down due to wear and tear. A person could get a hernia from an abdominal operation, where inadequate healing of a muscle layer occurred. Even the act of twisting or falling in a certain way could make a person more susceptible to an eventual hernia.”

The three most common types of hernias are inguinal, umbilical, and incisional. “A person will get inguinal hernias in their groin. It is more common in men than women, but it can happen to both groups. An umbilical hernia is one you get at your bellybutton. Lastly, incisional hernias come from an old scar that was the result of a past operation,” shared Dr. Blevins.

A severe form of hernia is a “strangulated hernia.” “This type of issue usually occurs when part of the bowel gets trapped inside the hernia, but it can be treated and corrected. It is vital that you get the issue looked at if you are feeling pain, because strangulated hernias can be fatal,” says Dr. Blevins.

Whereas many medical issues can be solved with specific forms of exercise, hernias are a different matter. Dr. Blevins says, “There’s not really any forms of exercise that minimize hernias. What makes a big difference is coming in for checkups and evaluations. This allows us to see what the issue is, the severity, and what treatment is needed.”

Dr. Blevins implores individuals to seek medical expertise, especially if they are feeling pain or discomfort. He states, “Holzer has a family and community feel. When patients come here, they are treated as people and not statistics. I am proud to provide proper patient care in the area I grew up in.”

Dr. Blevins provides General Surgery Care at Holzer’s Gallipolis and Athens locations. To schedule an appointment, visit www.holzer.org or call 1-855-4-HOLZER.


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